JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 16. Functions

16.1. rich:clientId
16.2. rich:component
16.3. rich:element
16.4. rich:jQuery
16.5. rich:findComponent
16.6. rich:isUserInRole

Read this chapter for details on special functions for use with particular components. Using JavaServer Faces Expression Language ( JSF EL), these functions can be accessed through the data attribute of components. Refer to Section, “data” for details on the data attribute.

The rich:clientId('id') function returns the client identifier related to the passed component identifier ('id'). If the specified component identifier is not found, null is returned instead.

The rich:component('id') function is equivalent to the RichFaces.component('clientId') code. It returns the client object instance based on the passed server-side component identifier ( 'id'). If the specified component identifier is not found, null is returned instead. The function can be used to get an object from a component to call a JavaScript API function without using the <rich:componentControl> component.

The rich:element('id') function is a shortcut for the equivalent document.getElementById(#{rich:clientId('id')}) code. It returns the element from the client, based on the passed server-side component identifier. If the specified component identifier is not found, null is returned instead.

The rich:jQuery('id') function is a shortcut for the equivalent jQuery('##{rich:clientId('id')}) code. It returns the jQuery object for the element located by the passed server-side component identifier. If the specified component identifier is not found, null is returned instead.

The rich:findComponent('id') function returns the a UIComponent instance of the passed component identifier. If the specified component identifier is not found, null is returned instead.

The rich:isUserInRole(Object) function checks whether the logged-in user belongs to a certain user role, such as being an administrator. User roles are defined in the web.xml settings file.