Jboss Seam 2

Seam 2: enterprise Java development framework

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Welcome to Jboss Seam 2.

This is a fork of Jboss Seam http://seamframework.org/Seam2.html


  • Publish new releases with seam unreleased changes for 2.3.2
  • Security fixes
  • A lot of small bug fixes
  • Ability to put Seam on shared classpath
You can view a detailed list of changes


Please visit Release page on github to download latest releases


Seam 2 is not maintained anymore, you should have migrated to CDI (Standard Java EE technology) long ago ;).

See https://github.com/seam/migration or more details here https://developer.jboss.org/en/seam/seam2/blog/2015/07/20/migration-from-seam-2-to-cdideltaspike


Seam Reference Guide

Javadoc API